Follow the way of your heart
Start your inner journey
A close and healing encounter with yourself.
Do you want to find your optimal state of being and your inner balance? Or do you want to reach your highest potential in all areas of your life? In these workshops you will get exercises and tools that help you become happier, feel better in your body and influence your life quality.
Take a moment and breath. Put your hand on your heart and smile. Feel the golden light from your heart.
Your thoughts, tornments and incessant questions about how everything should be is eating you from within. Turn your attention inside yourself, to your heart. Be present and conscious in your heart.
Upcoming events
Become a Certified Meditation Teacher/Imagery Practitioner of The School of the Heart!
More information will be added shortly
Information Heart Imagery Workshops on
Cleaning the Past and Self-renewal and
Healing and Emotional Clarity
are following the description below. Every workshop is held during one weekend and provides you with a manual, exercises and tools to apply in your everyday life. 2 days workshop, 255 Euro 222 Euro.
Private sessions/trainings are hold via ZOOM, Skype or Whatsapp.
Please feel free to contact us stating your area of interest so I will get back to you shortly for an appointment.
About me
I am a free spirit with a mission from the heart.
I have always been fascinated by the spiritual side of life, that led me to practice yoga, meditations and become an internationally certified Holy Fire Reiki/Karuna Reiki Master healer.
An accelerated personal transformation has started after meeting Master Daniel Mitel and attending “Journeys into the Heart” seminars, “Heart Imagery”, “Kriya Yoga” as well as “Awakening the Illuminated Heart”. These seminars have opened up a whole universe inside my heart. As I felt these deep changes into my life, I became a certified Meditation Teacher/Imagery practitioner and Mentor of The School Of The Heart to be able to pay it forward. As a result, I changed my path from molecular biologist within pharmaceutical industry to my life's true calling that is to help others by means of heart meditation and other techniques that originate from ancient traditions and at the same time, have been proven effective by modern research. Due to my academic background, I have a deep understanding of how the bodily processes work at the molecular level, which is an advantage.
My quest is to facilitate cleaning of the past trauma and releasing limiting beliefs as well as to empower people to harmonize their energy by balancing the mental, emotional, and physical bodies. By doing so one can enter the space of the heart and experience our true essence and the wonders that lay within and live the life to the fullest in happiness, peace and harmony. Imagine just for one moment how life on Mother Earth would look like if all the people would life from their hearts!
I love to share my experience and knowledge both in workshops and private sessions.
If something that you have read on my homepage aroused your curiosity and your inner longing for your spiritual quest, I am looking forward to getting to know you!
Blessings to you, beautiful soul!
The School of the Heart
The School of The Heart was created thousands of years ago by the Masters who understood that the only way to remember who we really are is to reconnect with the energy of the heart.
Master Daniel Mitel, the School of the Heart leader, works with masters all over the world, helping people remember how it is to live from the heart.
I, Ada Irina Tserepis, have the privilege to be the School of the Heart's ambassador and Mentor in Sweden.
Online programs:
Awakening the Illuminated Heart : one of the most powerful workshop on this planet, brought to us by Drunvalo Melchizedek. This very powerful 4-days workshop provides all knowledge for creating from the heart and to remember who you truly are, as well as activate the human light body (The Heart Golden Mer-Ka-Ba).
Egypt Sacred Journey Initiation Meditation Recordings - Dec 2019: thirteen meditations from our journey in Egypt that will take you through all the initiation and activations the group went through, from the Great Pyramid, El Minya, Abydos, Dandara, all the way to Luxor and Aswan.
You are welcome to read more and book a private session in English or in Swedish.
Please leave a message at or sms at +46 734 260514 and I will contact you shortly for an appointment.
Breaking News!
Become a Certified Meditation Teacher/Imagery Practitioner of The School of the Heart!
More information will be added shortly
Private sessions
Reiki treatments are done remotely and we have telefon contact the whole time via Whatsapp.
Private sessions (via Zoom) are tailor-made on your particular life situation and contain Heart meditations and other exercises and tools.
60 min session/treatment via Zoom/Whatsapp, 55 Euro.
Book 3 sessions/treatments and get 20 Euro discount (price after discount 145 Euro)
You are invited to choose your own private program from the following topics/themes:
Fresh Start
Clean your past
Emotional Clarity; Genuine Connections
Mental Clarity; Sharpen Focus
Renew yourself
Inner peace; Calmness; Tranquility
Inner harmony; Inner balance
Inner Healing
Tools for a busy life
The infinity within; Self awareness
Energy management
Find your happiness
In the flow with nature
"I was always attracted to spiritual work and even if I had many memorable spiritual experiences along the way, this path unveiled layers upon layers of deep buried stuff which ended up overwhelming me and I didn’t know how to handle it anymore. I just knew I needed help, I was in too deep and couldn’t see a way out. And I was inspired to reach out to Ada.
From the first time I met her, I felt her powerful awareness and deep sense of the energies around her. And just being in Ada’s warm, sensitive presence, and enveloped in her gentle soulful voice, was such an uplifting experience.
In just 2 WhatsApp sessions, she saw right to the heart of my problems, gently called me up on my subconscious BS, sensed me and what I didn't say and felt exactly what I needed, wow... All in a respectful, gentle, warm, compassionate, and collaborative way, never assuming she knew best, but at the same time also firm when needed. The Reiki she performed in the 1st session balanced my energies and took me out of the crisis mode, and the easy exercises she gave as homework quickly brought me on a better track. The heart meditations we did in our sessions were so light, easy and uplifting, even though I felt their effectiveness only afterwards, as the days went by. My body started to shed tensions and resistances, I felt calmer and more able to manage life and myself. I’m only at the 3rd session, but I feel back on track and I’m ecstatic about it. It’s not all roses and fairies, I still have to do my part and do the work, but now I have the support and guidance to take me out of self-delusion, self-sabotage and other traps I’m unconsciously setting myself up with, and to also keep myself accountable. I am going to continue working with Ada for a long while, I feel it's the best gift I can give myself at this moment in time. I only wish that people in need can find their way to this type of holistic support, in my opinion, the best combination of spiritual, mind and body work that could quickly turn the tides upwards. And Ada, please get online and organize workshops and meditations and Reiki sessions for a larger audience - I am the 1st one on the list! And thank you from the bottom of my heart for being there for me and having the courage to do this beautiful work! Love, hope and gratitude, Maria BC"
Heart Imagery
Heart Imagery workshops teach you how to balance your mental, emotional and physical bodies and it harmonises your energy.
There are two Heart Imagery workshops:
Cleaning of the Past and Self-renewal
Healing and Emotional Clarity
Have you ever thought of how much energy you carry within you from your past? Or how much energy gets caught inside you from others? Have you ever tried to understand and let go of the past?
Can you imagine who you become when you clean your past? Why are your dreams so disturbing sometimes that you choose to wake up to this "reality" to escape a scary night? What do you do to clean these dreams and get back in harmony with yourself? These are just some questions that you will get answered during these workshops.
Trust yourself, you are more than a dream! You are the powerful creator of your dreams!
Journeys into the Heart
Journeys into the Heart workshops are based on the experiences of many Masters and mystics around the world and teach you how to enter into the space of your heart.
There are of two Journeys into the Heart workshops
Journeys into the Heart - The Inner Path
Jouneys into the Heart - The Higher Self
and they are in close connection to the Awakening The Illuminated Heart (ATIH) seminar from Drunvalo Melchizedek's School of Remembering.
Based on the book "Journeys into the Heart" by Daniel Mitel and Drunvalo Melchizedek, these workshops provide you with powerful meditations to further improve your practice on the Tiny Space of the Heart meditation.
Free Recordings
"Mother Earth Meditation" with Master Daniel Mitel
Please feel free to check my Facebook page for more heart meditations.
Contact us
Please leave a message at or sms at +46 734 260514 and I will contact you shortly for an appointment.
För klienter från Sverige, finns jag på HälsoPorten vid Odenplan, Stockholm samt vid Skanstull på Söder. För att boka tid, skicka gärna sms till 0734 260514 och jag återkommer inom kort.